Greetings! My name is Sue Zipkin, and I am delighted to welcome you to my website. I am an experienced artist and designer, and my career in this field spans 38 years. My artwork has been licensed to various manufacturers who have created a diverse range of products. You may have come across my designs in retail stores, from small mom and pop shops to larger chains.
Although writing is not my strongest suit due to my dyslexia, I hope my artwork can speak for itself and give you an idea of who I am. I have a unique approach to my art business and am grateful to have made a living from it. I am currently exploring abstract art and find inspiration in nature and the intangible things we feel with our hearts.
In addition to licensing, I provide many designs directly to individuals through my print-on-demand stores.
In my opinion, the universe is a mysterious place. My personal philosophy is quite simple - kindness matters.
I would like to express my gratitude to the wonderful individuals who have reached out to me over the years and shared how my artwork has brought them joy. It fills my heart with happiness to hear such feedback. Without the support of these kind people who have purchased my artwork, I would not be able to continue doing what I love.
Thank you for taking the time to read my bio. I send you love and wish you well.